So I now have Windows 8/2012 demos running in my new Windows 2012 hyper-v server. The most annoying thing is no start button. But found I have found some simple workarounds.
Start Button Replacements
1 - Keyboard Shortcuts - These are a great way to go with more info and links below
Keyboard Shortcuts,news-37996.html2 - Pin Icons to your Taskbar. Just pin control panel and powershell to your taskbar by the following steps. Press windows+R and type powershell. Type control in PS windows. Pin control panel to your taskbar. Note that I like powershell so I pinned it as well. Note that PS and Server Managers are already pinned in server version.
3 - Add Desktop Toolbar. Just right click your toolbar > toolbars and then select Desktop
More Tips and Tricks
In RDP window I had to maximize the screen to get the the touch points working.
I also wanted to get rid of IE ESC. (Enhanced Security Config) Just go to server manager but click on local server and in the properties section look for IE Enhanced Security Configuration, you click on the word On which is just a link. I turn off for both admins and users :)