What happens is the Patient ID changes for whatever reason. You should install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2005.
Open the ViperData Database, then open the dbo.Patient table to find the PatientID's. You will get a HUGE list of all the patients, and you will want to narrow this down with a SQL Statement.
Click on Show SQL Panel to Query the dbo.Patient Table, it is the third button from the left, under restore last session on this screenshot.
FROM Patient
WHERE ('SHAFER' = LastName);
And this would narrow it down to a list that looks like this:
Right down the PatientID's! In this case it is 6695 and 6731
Next Open the dbo.Study Table. This is a list of "Studies". Patient ID's are linked to Studies and you will need to correct the PatientID.
Run this SQL Command:
FROM Study
WHERE ('6695' = PatientID);
You will now want to click on the results, and change the PatientID from 6695 to 6731.
Now rerun the query with a different ID to make sure it has changed.
Run this SQL Command:
FROM Study
WHERE ('6731' = PatientID);
Lastly go into the Dentrix Chart, or simply hit F5 to refresh and your images should go from being empty to populated!
I removed some PHI.
Most X-Ray databases are this way. They work off the almighty PatientID. I have also had to do this with VixWin, though it uses a very different database and that is very rare. It uses FoxPro, and you have to find a program to edit the DBF file, I think. That was many years ago.
Once I used some guy in hawaii, to fix a corrupted FoxPro database that was VixWin but that was a long time ago, but to my surprised he said the tables had shifted or were out of alignment or something.
Fun Stuff!