How to set the primary IP address of a Windows Server 2008 R2

Hi All..!

Finally, today I got a solution for the problem continuously facing, whenever we add a new IP to our servers (Windows 2008 server), the primary IP address ( the default outgoing IP) is getting changed automatically which in turn causing lot many issues later.

Here is the solution.

This URL says that we need to install several patches, which is not mandatory for your servers as we already update the servers at the time of building them. So you can skip installing the patches and can proceed further as given below.

1) Open cmd with elevated privileges ( Run as Administrator) and add the ipaddress command-line instead of using GUI. Just run the following command in case if you are trying to add the IPADDRESS : with SUBNETMASK:

netsh int ipv4 add address "Local Area Connection" skipassource=true

2) In our scenario why we are trying to add the additional IPaddress is as we need to host one more new HTTPS website we require a dedicated IP address that need to be binded with HTTPS domain. Once I added the ipaddress using the command given above, will add the ipaddress successfully and off-course it will not change the default outgoing IP address. You can also see the list of IP addresses assigned and their properties using the following command

netsh int ipv4 show ipaddresses level=verbose

Here, the problem comes,

When I go to IIS manager and tries to host the HTTPS site, in the "Site Bindings" section I was unable to find the IP address that I have added recently with the property skipassource=true. So what to do..?

Here is the solution...!

3) Download and install the following fix from and then add the IP address as explained in step:1 it works.