Jeffrey Snover AMA – A must watch!

I've just finished a most enjoyable couple of hours watching An AMA (ask me anything) interview with Jeffrey Snover, Microsoft Distinguished Engineer and inventor of PowerShell. Jeffrey and his teams) have brought about some awesome changes in terms of manageability of Windows systems. Anyone who has seen Jeffrey speak, know he is an amazing presenter – always full of interesting stories and a passion for helping us to be successful using Microsoft Tools. He is one of the best speakers at Microsoft, IMHO.

This two-part interview (part 1 here and part 2 here) has Jason Helmick ask Jeffrey a bunch of really interesting questions – ones that I see often when teaching PowerShell. If you've taken any of my PowerShell courses, many of these will not be new, but Jeffrey's spin on the question is absorbing and his vantage point unique. Things like, what were the obstacles he faced delivering PowerShell, is the information about PowerShell V3 relevant to PowerShell v5, why the V1.0 in the $Pshome path for PowerShell V5?, etc. Stuff any respectable IT Pro should know.  My question would have been: Does he still carry the 20 dollar bill? He'll know what that is a reference to!

I highly recommend taking some time to watch these two videos. Doubly so if you want to get a better understanding why PowerShell is the future of Windows management. Tags: ,