Background Job : A job which is running background in the same shell. You can use bg command to see any background jobs.
Foreground job : A Job which is running in the same shell right before your eyes.
Suspended Job : Its a stopped/pause job but you can resume their running.
Let me explain with example very clealy
virt00# sleep 180
zsh: suspended sleep 180
virt00# jobs
[1] + suspended sleep 180
virt00# bg
[1] + continued sleep 180
virt00# fg
[1] + running sleep 180
zsh: suspended sleep 180
virt00# jobs
[1] + suspended sleep 180
I have started a Job named
sleep 180
then I stopped with CTRL+Z . right now my job is in suspended mode.I see it by typing
command. Now I want to resume its running in background so I typed bg
command then it will move from suspended state to running state but in background it will I typed command
to bring it foreground , now job wont get stepped but it will pull from background jobs queue and push into foreground jobs queue.So yes background jobs and foreground jobs always are in running state.