List of virtual adapters your Virtual Linux can access

Hello ,

Its me again Raja and this time I came up with one more new post.

I have been through interesting problem.

As many of you know Virtual Box , sometimes even though we enable new adapter and configured IP in conf file it wont comes up. Everything seems fine , we have enabled adapter and configured name and IP for it but still it wont come up.

Simple solution : How many adapters your VM able to access can be easily know by using command

                             ls /sys/class/net
  In my case I have 3 adapters so it will display them

root@fresh:~# ls /sys/class/net
enp0s3  enp0s8  lo

If you come across errors like device not found errors , try to found out how your VM identified the adapters that you have enabled.

Hope it helps.

Thank you.