How to Remove Footer Credit Without been Redirected to any Website in Blogger

There are lots of harm that comes with the free blogger templates with we download online. Most of the developers have implanted a complicated code mixed with the.XML file of the template.
There is some code which they put, usually at the footer linking to their website for people that want to download the template free. This code is either written as Created by ... then the name of the developer.
Then a lot of people who have little knowledge of coding HTML can get into the template and try to remove the credit which they gave themselves, but you will find out that upon removing the credit, you will no longer have access to your blog because anytime someone types in your URL, it will automatically redirect to the developers website. So the practically have taken control of your site till you change the template. This is mostly applicable to sora template designers.
But there are steps to remove the credit and still have full control of your site,

1. Login your Blogger and click on template, then Edit template

2. Now look for this or use CTRL+F and search for that code

3. Then delete everything after  //<![CDATA[   They are usually a different combination of letters and symbols. Delete to either you see </script>. Or till you see Normal letters again. Like in the picture Above.

4. Then go back to the place the developers planted their credit, usually in the footer then remove it or change it with yours if desired.

5. Save your template and visit your blog.

Note: This method works for all template that the developer planted a code in the Free Version of the template. I would advise you go for premium templates.
If you encounter any error while trying to save your template let me know in the comment section.