RPM: Redhat Package Manager
RPM command syntax
RPM command is used for installing, uninstalling, upgrading, querying, listing, and checking RPM packages on your Linux system.
RPM command syntax
Command option argument
rpm -qa package_name
RPM help command
rpm --help
man rpm
Options are:
i- Install a package
v- Verbose
h- Hash mode
q - Query
a- all
U- Upgrade a package
-e- Erase package
-ivh – Install rpm package
-ivh –nodeps – Install rpm package without dependencies
-Uvh – Upgrade a rpm package
-ev --nodeps - Uninstall package without checking of dependency
-qi - Display information about package, version
-qf -Query package name for a file(/etc/passwd)
-qc - Query configuraiton name of package
-ql – List all the files of a package
-qd - Query doc file
-qa --last - Query all recently installed RPMs package
-qR - Find out what dependencies a rpm file has
Download rpm package from Website http://rpmfind.net
1. How to find out what are the packages are installed in system
#rpm -qa
#rpm -qa bash
#rpm -qa | grep bash
#rpm -qa | less
2. How to install a package in system
#rpm -qa vsftpd
#rpm -ivh package name
#rpm -ivh vsftpd
#rpm -Uvh vsftpd
#rpm -qa vsftpd
How to uninstall/remove/erase a package
#rpm -e vsftpd
How to find what package a file belongs to
# rpm -qf /etc/passwd
Verifying all the RPM installed Packages
# rpm -Va