How to Add MySQL Graphs to Cacti?

How to Add MySQL Graphs to Cacti?

1. Download the Percona MySQL Graph template for cacti.

2. Create a MySQL user with the SUPER and PROCESS privileges on each server you want to monitor. Execute the following command on each server:

GRANT SUPER, PROCESS ON *.* TO 'cacti'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY "password";

3. Install the Cacti template.
rpm -ivh percona-cacti-templates-1.1.7-2.noarch.rpm

4. Now you have to import templates using Cacti webpage or Manually.

php /usr/share/cacti/cli/import_template.php --filename=/usr/share/cacti/resource/percona/templates/cacti_host_template_percona_mysql_server_ht_0.8.6i-sver1.1.7.xml --with-user-rras='1:2:3:4'

5. Edit the File /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ss_get_mysql_stats.php and put your cacti user and password details.
$mysql_user = 'cacti';
$mysql_pass = 'password';

6. Now go to cacti web page and use MySQL graph template against your Host.
Sample Graphs: