My Book Scripts

I saw a comment over on Amazon relating to my last PowerShell book (see Amazon Book Listing) from Long Time Programmer. His comment is that he couldn’t download the code. I wish there was a way I could comment on his comment as there is a way. I’ve put all my scripts up on GitHub!  If you go to you can see the scripts there.  Although I have to say some of them – getting the scripts onto GitHub is a work in progress.

As an aside and for background: the publication process at the time this book was published had a few issues.  The web site used to enter content  was literally eating content so we switched over to word at last hour. In doing so, the longer-line scripts ended up broken in the final PDF and thus the published version.

To be helpful to my readers, I’ve slowly retrieved the scripts from inside the VMs and have published them to GitHub, Which is less simple than it sounds and it not yet complete. At present, I’ve ported over the recipe scripts for chapters 1-4, 8, 10, 11 (7 out  of 13). And I hope to have the updates soon.

Please download any of the scripts – and file issues if you find problems.


The conversion has been completed and I've created a version 1.0 of the scripts on the GitHub repository. . You can consume the scripts by navigating the GitHub UI or you can take a fork and clone to a local machine. The release mechanism in GitHub provides a zipped up Go to the GitHub Release page and download a .gz or .zip file depending on your tastes. I may do some further tidying up.