Best Alternative to SHAREit - Google Files for Android Better Than SHAREit

Google Files for Android Better Than SHAREit. believe it...
Year 2015 was the year when SHAREit was created, it was like one of the best inventions and it still is the best app, but lately I have been thinking about why shareit takes so much time to load and why there are so many ads, to be honest to me SHAREit now just feels like a ad seller app and it is just very very very slow, now I want a better app than SHAREit so i did some research and I found Google Files app for android and it just amazed me, it is super fast and it has no ads at all, after using it i can say that the Google Files app is just 100% better than SHAREit. Please watch the video below to see comparison of Google file vs SHAREit.

Click Here to download Google Files for android

Click Here to download SHAREit for android

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