How to Install Plugins in Grafana

How to Install Plugins in Grafana

The easiest way to install plugins is by using the CLI tool grafana-cli which is bundled with grafana. Before any modification take place after modifying plugins, grafana-server needs to be restarted.

Grafana Plugin Directory

On Linux systems the grafana-cli will assume that the grafana plugin directory is /var/lib/grafana/plugins. It’s possible to override the directory which grafana-cli will operate on by specifying the –pluginsDir flag.

Grafana-cli Commands

List available plugins

grafana-cli plugins list-remote

Install the latest version of a plugin

grafana-cli plugins install <plugin-id>

Install a specific version of a plugin

grafana-cli plugins install <plugin-id> <version>

List installed plugins

grafana-cli plugins ls

Update all installed plugins

grafana-cli plugins update-all

Update one plugin

grafana-cli plugins update <plugin-id>

Remove one plugin

grafana-cli plugins remove <plugin-id>


If you are using a docker Instance of Grafana and need to install the plugin then follow these steps:

1. Login to your docker Instance.
2. Install the Plugin.
grafana-cli plugins install <plugin-id>
3. Exit From the Instance.
4. Stop the Docker Container.

docker stop <container id>
5. Stop the Docker Container.
docker start <container id>