How to Reset/Recover/Forget Root Password in CentOS/RHEL/Fedora and VM/KVM

Note : Take Backup of your data before you proceed

Method 1 - (CentOS/RHEL/Fedora)

Step1 :- Restart the Machine

Step2 :- Press "e" from keyboard at time when kernel versions presented Press "e" again

Step3 :- Search for "rd.break" line (last line of Linux16) or write next to rw file (rw init=/sysroot/bin/sh)

Step4 :- Press Ctrl+X(control+x) to start on single user mode

Step5 :- Type at command line "mount -o remount, rw /sysimage"
chroot /sysimage or  chroot /sysroot
passwd root      or  passwd
load_policy -i   or touch /.autorelabel
restorecon /etc/shadow to restore the SELinux settings for the given file
reboot   or exit

Method 2 - (CentOS/RHEL/Fedora)

Step1 :- Boot/Restart the Virtual Machine or Server

Step2 :- Then Select Troubleshooting see below screenshot

Step3 :- Then Select Rescue a CentOS system and hit Enter

Step4 :- Then type 1 and hit enter a couple of times until you get the command prompt (shell).

Step5 :- Then type in command prompt one by one
Chroot /mnt/sysimage
Rm -f /.autorelabel

Step6 :- After Reboot Login with New Password

Method 3 - (CentOS/RHEL/Fedora)

Step1 :- Boot/Restart the Virtual Machine or Server

Step2 :- Interrupt while booting at GRUB Stage with any arrow or space bar from keyboard

Step3 :- Type "e" to edit kernel argument, 'ESC' is used for Cancel or to goback

Step4 :- Then type 1 after rhgb quiet line hit enter to boot

Step5 :- Press "b" to boot process then type "runlevel" in command prompt 1S is single user mode

Step6 :- Type New Password and Again Same Password

Step7 :- Reboot it