Kibana Reporting - CSV Export: reached the max size and contains partial data

Kibana Reporting - CSV Export: reached the max size and contains partial data

Kibana Reporting

When you are pull out large data set and exporting it to CSV, Kibana comes back hunting that max file limit has reached and you get a partial report from the Reporting section of Kibana Management. The default maximum size of a report is 10MB i.e. 10485760 bytes.

To Increase this value to support the Larger report size, Please do the following:

1. Edit the File : /etc/kibana/kibana.yml
2. Add/Change the option "xpack.reporting.csv.maxSizeBytes" to a higher value.

xpack.reporting.csv.maxSizeBytes: 1048576000

3. Restart Kibana.

systemctl restart kibana

Please note that making this value too much larger than the default 10 mB limit is untested and unsupported, and this should be done at your own risk and it has the potential to negatively affect the performance of your Elasticsearch cluster.