How To Install Kali Undercover Mode On Any Xfce Linux Distribution

Kali Linux Undercover Windows 10 mode

Kali Undercover was added to the latest Kali Linux 2019.4 release as a way to instantly switch the look of Xfce to mimic "a Windows 10 desktop that will no longer draw attention to your activities". This article explains how to use Kali Undercover on any Linux distribution that uses the Xfce desktop (like Xubuntu, Debian with Xfce, Arch Linux / Manjaro Xfce, Linux Mint Xfce, Fedora Xfce and so on).

With this tool, you get an entry in the applications menu (Kali Undercover Mode), which you can click to instantly change your desktop theme and layout to look like Windows 10. Clicking it again will revert this change, restoring your previous Xfce panel configuration and desktop theme. You could also assign it a keyboard shortcut, and change between your regular desktop configuration and the Windows 10 look with a hotkey.

The Kali Linux 2019.4 release announcement explains this feature:

Say you are working in a public place, hacking away, and you might not want the distinctive Kali dragon for everyone to see and wonder what it is you are doing. So, we made a little script that will change your Kali theme to look like a default Windows installation. That way, you can work a bit more incognito. After you are done and in a more private place, run the script again and you switch back to your Kali theme. Like magic!

To see it in action check out this short video I made of Kali Undercover in Manjaro Xfce: