(Ref : Content taken from Dhanpatrai & Co.(p) Ltd for XII students )
3G : 3rd Generation Communication TechnologyBandwidth : The transmission capacity of a communication channel
Bridge : It is a network device that establishes an intelligent connection between two local networks with same standard but with different types of cable.
Carrier Wave : A signal of chosen frequency generated to carry data; often used for long distance transmissions.
CDMA : Code -Division Multiple Access
Decryption : The process of converting encrypted data back into original form.
DNS : A way to translate a URL (domain name) into IP address.Domain Name System
Encryption : Process of converting electronic data to an unrecognizable form.
Firewall : A firewall is a system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network.
Full Duplex : Abbrivated FDX. the capability for simultaneous transmission in two direction, so that devices can be sending and receiving data at the same time.
Gateway : It is a network device that connects dissimilar networks.
Half Duplex : Abbrivated HDX.the ability to transmit data on the same channel.
Hub : Hardware devices used to connect several computers together.
Internet : The internet is a world wide network of computer networks.
Internetworking : Connection of two or more networks.
LAN : Local Area Network. It is a small network confined within a building or a small area.
MAN : Metropolitan Area Network. It is a network spread within a city or in an area of radius of 10kms.
Modulation : Process of adding message information on a carrier wave, so that it can be transmitted over long distance.
Network : It is an interconnected collection of autonomous computers.
Protocol : A standard or set of rules that computers and other devices use when communicating with one another.
Repeater : Repeater is a network device that amplifies and restores signals for long-distance transmission.
Router : A router is a network device that is used to separate different segments in a network, and can handle different protocols.
Routing Tables :A table stored in a router; used to keep track of routes to specific network destination.
Routing : The process of directing packets from a network source node to the destination node.
switch : Device used to segment networks into different subnetworks called subnets.
TCP : Connected oriented protocol that facilitates data transmission over the internet. A part of TCP/IP protocol stack. Transmission Control Protocol
Topology : The pattern of interconnection of nodes in a network is called topology.
Transceiver: Transmitter/Receiver
WAN : Wide Area Network. It is a network spread across cities, countries, continents, etc.,
Wireless Communication : Data communication without the use of landline.
SSL : Secure Socket Layer/Protocol is a security protocol.
IMAP/SMTP/POP3 are all email protocols.(Internet Message Access Protocol, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, Post Office Protocol 3)
HTTP/TCP/IP/UDP are internet protocols. (Hyper Text Transfer Protocols, Transmission Control Protocol,Internet Protocol,
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is an alternative communications protocol to Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) used primarily for establishing low-latency and loss-tolerating connections between applications on the internet
Node : A computer that attached to a network is known as a Node.
Workstation : A node is also called workstation.
Server : a computer that facilitates resources sharing on a network.
NIU means Network Interface Unit. It is an interpreter that helps establish communication between the server and the work stations.
TAP means Terminal Access Point. It is another name for NIU.
Ethernet is a LAN architecture developed by Xerox Corp. in association with DEC and Intel. Ethernet uses bus or star topologies and can support data transfer rates of upto 10mbps.
Hub V/s Switch : A hub shares and distributes bandwidth among all connected computers whereas a switch does not share bandwidth, rather each computer gets full bandwidth.
URL/FM/AM/NFS/FTP : Uniform Resource Locator,Frequence Modulation, Amplitude Modulation, Network File Server, File Transfer Protocol
MAC address : Media Access Control address. The NIC (Network Interface Card ) manufacturer assigns a unique physical address to each NIC card called MAC address. it is a 6 byte address with each byte separated by a colon with hexadecimal character e.g. 10:BS:03:65:2E:FC