How To Determine The Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property

Capital gains tax (CGT) is one of the taxes levied on profit from the sale of a non-inventory asset. Let’s learn how to calculate capital gains tax on inherited property. 

Capital Gains Taxes
Capital Gains Taxes

Inheritance Tax: How To Determine The Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property

Most survivors of estate planning will want to reduce their taxable capital gains to recognize the deceased family member or associates' contributions such as life insurance policies, retirement funds, and investment accounts like 401(k)s, IRA, and Roth IRAs. But does this strategy work for inherited assets too?

What is the Capital Gains Tax?

Capital gains tax or CGT is one of the taxes that people pay. This tax is involuntary income, which occurs when a property that was previously owned by someone, is sold to someone else. The charged percentage depends on the type of asset and how long the individual had been in possession of it before selling it. 

Capital gains tax on inheritance is calculated from the date of death. There is a different rate for every five years from the date of death until the 35th year, after which it is calculated as a percentage of net worth. The federal government has a progressive tax scale and inheritance is considered as one of the many sources of money.

The Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is the fee that applies when an asset is sold at a profit and is collected by the Inland Revenue Department in New Zealand. Whether it's a private sale or you’re buying and selling property on the open market, the Capital Gains Tax will be payable. 

The Capital Gains Tax is the tax charged when a business is sold. The rate of tax will vary depending on how long the holding period for a capital asset is. Most capital gains taxes are imposed on assets held for six months or less since they are taxed at lower rates than those that have been held longer.

How to Determine taxes on Income From Inherited Property

When someone inherits assets such as property, stocks, or bonds it sounds like wealth by having a guaranteed source of income. However, when it comes to determining what the capital gains tax is, these inherited items are not always clear. The person inheriting the property must then find out the fair market value in order to determine what income tax they will owe. You cannot determine the tax on income from inherited property without speaking with your CPA or tax attorney. 

A tax-free inheritance is not taxable to the recipient and is not a taxable gift if it exceeds the "value of free use" of the property is inherited. The following are valuable assets for which you need to know your value: When someone inherits property, it is not always obvious which financial institution should handle their finances. 

There are four options for managing the assets: pay cash to the heir; apply for a probate court order; transfer the asset through a qualified personal representative or trustee; or set up a new account with a custodian of assets. Once all necessary paperwork has been completed, income from the asset will be taxed in accordance with federal income tax laws.

What Happens if You Don’t File Your 3-Year Inheritance Tax Return?

Most small- to medium-size businesses make their profit by selling a product or service within the United States. If a business owner unexpectedly passes away and leaves behind his/her own personal assets, then the last will and testament can involve inheritance tax. 

If you fail to file your 3-year inheritance tax return for the year in which you received the inherited assets, then you'll have to pay a penalty and interest charges on any forgiven balance of the unpaid amount. If you had filed your return but the IRS later determined that the filing was invalid, then they will process an amended return. 

The rate of capital gains tax can vary depending on where you live. If the capital gains are below $651 (for the 2018 tax year) you don’t need to file your 3-year inheritance tax return. The rates will be determined based on your income and geography.

Can you avoid capital gains on inheritance?

If you inherit an asset from a loved one that has increased in value, but you sold it for a lower price, the capital gains tax may apply. The deduction for legitimate reasons is an exception to the sale transaction, which typically would count as a capital gain. If the seller has held onto their inheritance for three years or more each year and has not claimed the cost, they may be eligible to avoid paying capital gains taxes on the amount they received. Inherited property is most likely taxed with capital gains tax. 

The simplest way to determine the amount of tax you'll be charged on your inherited property is by looking at those issued a Form 1099-B for 2016, which tells you what areas are subject to the capital gains tax. Inheritance tax is an indirect tax levied on the estate of an individual at the time of inheritance. 

Capital gains apply only when exchanging assets for direct use, or outright sale and the distribution of the capital asset is made to any beneficiary whether living or principal. Sometimes in cases where there has been a substantial appreciation in value over time that is not accounted for, it might be better and avoid taxation from true capital assets. 

Some potential in-laws may be kept out of the estate if there's some variation in the amount of real estate and other assets. Your estate can also be exempt from capital gains taxes if it exceeds a certain amount. 

There are three vital aspects for determining the capital gains tax for inherited property: the time frame, what section of the IRS website to follow, and the individual circumstances.


The inheritance tax is typically applied at a capital gains tax rate. When you inherit invested money, you will be able to avoid or defer the capital gains tax when you pass the inherited property on. The fair market value of the inherited property will be used in determining the cost basis for your step-up in cost basis.