Best Social Media Marketing Tactics and Common Mistakes to Avoid

Looking for ways to increase your brand awareness and grow your business? You have to adopt the best social media marketing tactics that will get better results and avoid the most common online marketing mistakes related to branding. Let's know more about effective digital marketing strategies!

Social Media Marketing Tactics

Best Social media marketing tactics and Mistakes related to branding 

As a matter of fact, 93% marketers are making use of social media for the sake of promoting their products, business or brand to have more likes. There are various reasons behind this. One of the most important reasons is that it is a big platform to reach a large chunk of audience from all over the world and it's getting bigger and bigger with each passing day. 

You are making the biggest mistake if you aren’t marketing your business or brand on social media as you can approach a large chunk of customers through this way, as already mentioned. No matter what the type and size of your company is, you must have an active presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, etc. 


Marketing tactic on social media

#1 – Stick to the same game plan after you are done creating it

Already have a game plan? If not, you need to make it now. Decide for the number of tweets you are going to tweet every single day. You can make adjustments with your game plan but make sure to follow it and stick to it on an everyday basis. 

Decide for the average number of posts per day, depending on how your competitors are posting on social media. You don’t need to be overly active but active. 

#2 – Each channel must be treated as separate entity 

You are suggested to treat each and every social media as a separate entity. For instance, you can have content that you are going to spread across all the channels, as you think it should be. Bear in mind one thing in this regard that you should adjust your tactics according to the audience for every single channel separately. 

#3 – Go at the top in customer service 

If a visitor posts on your Facebook page, let’s say and doesn't receive any kind of response from you, it will definitely result in loss of trust. On the other hand, if you respond well to your visitors in a timely fashion, it will cast a really good image of your brand or company. 

#4 – Discussion engagement with your audience 

One of the best tactics to draw the attention of people towards your brand is the discussion engagement as it won’t only attract the people towards you but also keep them there for a long period of time. Buy instagram followers and interact with them every day. It will also attract your existing and new audience. For instance, the unfamiliar users will get involved in a newsfeed discussion. On the other hand, as the familiar ones will take part in, they will for sure feel like the strongest part of you. 

#5 – Contests are must 

The last but not the least tactic for social media marketing is the contest. The contests have proved to be really effective in this regard. The reason is that you will promise for your surprise gift in this and the users will share your posts, material etc in order to win and consequently you will get more visibility, for sure. 

Social Media Branding Mistakes You Need To Avoid

As a matter of fact, social media is simply considered as a playground for an individual user, but if you are branding, you should be careful with it. For instance, you need to be very careful and professional with your words, etc. This guide is all about telling you the mistakes related to branding on social media. You must have a look at all of them and simply try to avoid them for the reason that if you are making too many mistakes constantly, you can potentially lose your buyers or followers. On the other hand, avoiding all such things can help you earn a lot. 

Inconsistent posting:

The first mistake related to social media branding is inconsistent posting. There could be various reasons behind, for instance, lack of time, etc. It isn’t the right way at all because your followers are going to notice it, for sure, and it won’t cast a good image of your brand. So, be consistent and coherent with your posting on social media. 

Constant selling:

There is no doubt that social media is one of the best marketing tools but don’t consider it merely a sales tool. The reason is that the people need to have a good interaction with other brands and individuals. Constantly advertising your brand will seem deceptive and insincere. Therefore, it is recommended to post after every 6 hours when you buy instagram followers and facebook fans. They will be quite responsive in this way. 

Posting something inappropriate: 

It’s a good idea to post funny things as humor is one of the most favorable strategies. Also, it lets your followers feel close to you, but you need to bear in mind that all the jokes aren’t adequate to post. So, always be careful and choosy with your words, especially if you are going to post something funny.  

Propagating misinformation: 

Propagating misinformation can be one of the biggest mistakes for social media marketing. You need to be careful and attentive to what you post on social media. Double check the accuracy of what you are going to post for your followers. 

Not responding to negative feedback: 

Negative feedback – This is the part of any business, for sure. But the main thing you need to take care of is handling it in the right way. Not responding or ignoring and fighting back aren't really good things at all. As a matter of common observance, a few prefer to ignore the negative feedback while others prefer to delete it most of the time. The best is to make use of this sort of situation. How? Simply, respond well to the people who give negative feedback. In this way, you will show your commitment and loyalty to your customers.