What Is Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Marketing is a type of digital marketing that is used in the modern era to grow thebusiness and achieve set goals. The help of social media helps to increase sales, and help tointeract with clients with just a single click.

Fundamentals Of Social Media Marketing

  • Profile Optimization

  • Posting

  • Engaging

  • Advertising

Profile Optimization

Complete all the relevant fields of social media accounts. Increase the activity time.Link accounts with the website and has CTA (A call to action is a marketing term thatrefers to the next step or the action that the marketer wants the consumer to take )


Always use relevant posts. The use of photos and videos helps to increase the audience.


Always engage with your friends, followers, and clients. Likes, Shares, andcomments are easy practices for it.


For reaching the targeted audience you should use advertising tools. Sometimes youshould go for paid promotion. It will help you to grow your business.

Social Media Marketing Fundamentals



So many ways of social media marketing in the modern era. Facebook, Instagram,Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, and many other platforms use social mediamarketing.

Social Media Platform

SMM Through Facebook

Social Media Marketing through Facebookis not the new way to grow a business. This is the oldest social media marketingplatform. According to reports in April 2022 number of people who use Facebookeach day is 1.960 billion. The size of Facebook’s global advertising audience is2.141 billion. So, this is the biggest platform for social media marketing.

Facebook Advertisement

Facebook has its advertisement form with the name Facebook Ads, which you canfind from the menu. These classic ads are referred to as Marketplace ads. They include the image and click on the ad to bring an internal or external website. Facebook advertising is one of the best ways to increase the growth of the business. This helps more traffic engage the website. Facebook Advertising features include:

  • Target the audience based on geographic location, age, and interest.

  • Ad budget is set by own will.

  • Ad testing, in which multiple ad versions can be run simultaneously to compare ad designs and setup.

  • It has a built-in ad performance measurement tool.

Promoted Posts

Facebook has another option for Social Media Marketing as Promoted Posts.In this option, user can promote their post by themselves. He is independentof himself by selecting the range of his audience and budget. That post will be shared with the targeted audience in your budget.

Post Promotion

Sponsored Stories

In sponsored stories, the user could be asked by an influencer to post a story aboutyour business with some money. With the help of sponsored stories, your website getssome more growth. More traffic generates for your website.