[SOLVED] No more connections can be made to this remote computer

As we all know that there are several versions of infamous Windows XP released by Microsoft, and the most common of all of them are XP Professional and XP Home. 

But Microsoft has applied some restrictions on these versions so that the users of the system upgrade to its latest version. 

While sharing a file, sometimes the user gets No More Connections Can Be Made To This Remote Computer at this Time error, and today, in this article, we are going to tell you the solution regarding this error.


This shows an error code message like,

Types of No More Connections Can Be Made To This Remote Computer Error:

  • Shared folder windows 10
  • Symantec
  • FreeNAS
  • Synology
  • Shared folder windows XP


How to Fix & Solve No More Connections Can Be Made To This Remote Computer Error

As per the documentation, the maximum number of remote computers that are allowed to connect and share the data over the network simultaneously is ten. This limit restriction includes all resource sharing and transports protocols combined. If we talk about the Windows XP Home version, the limit of the maximum number of other computers that are allowed to connect over the desired network simultaneously is five. This limit of which we are talking about in this No More Connections Can Be Made To This Remote Computer at this Time article is the total number of simultaneous sessions from other systems that are permitted to host.


*Note: The limit of restriction of which we are talking about does not apply to the use of administrative tools that are attached from a remote computer system.

 ·        Click START -> RUN (for Windows XP) For Windows 10 right-click Start menu, then select Run, in Windows 7, just type “Regedit” in the search bar.

·        Type regedit
·        Go to

\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

  • Look for cachedlogonscount

You should see a value that is equal to 10 in Windows XP, 7, and 10.

  •         After that, you must replace its value with the number of your choice for connection.

  •         Restart your computer to make sure it will take effect and get you rid of No More Connections Can Be Made To This Remote Computer at this Time error.



As we've mentioned, the steps to solve No extra Connections may be Made To This faraway laptop/PC at this time mistakes, which happens while sharing a document the usage of LAN or a few different network. This restriction does not follow to using administrative equipment that connect to a far flung computer. After making use of the stairs, you may be able to get entry to the file once more and remove this No greater Connections may be Made To This far off laptop right now errors.


In this article we've told the answer concerning No extra Connections can be Made To This faraway pc right now mistakes and if it helped you in resolving this mistake then we would really like to recognize about it and you can try this by means of commenting down underneath and if there may be anything else or any other failure on that you us to paintings on it then additionally allow us to know about it.

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