This Week I Learned - Week #16 2022
This Week I Learned - * Amazon Aurora is a MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud, that combine…
This Week I Learned - * Amazon Aurora is a MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud, that combine…
This Week I Learned - * Trusted Research Environments (TRE) enforce a secure boundary around distinct workspaces to enable info…
This Week I Learned - * Inspired by The History of the Web , the Google Chrome Developer Relations team has compiled 100 Cool W…
This Week I Learned - * Make your page load feel more instant by using priority hints to help the browser prioritize the most cr…
This Week I Learned - * Azure IoT Central is Microsoft's application platform as a service (aPaaS) offering designed to sim…
This Week I Learned - * Google Cloud Functions Gen2 supports larger instances (16GB, 4CPU), longer processing times (60mins!) an…
I have been keen to achieve the AWS Solutions Architect – Professional certification since sometime to improve my understanding…
This Week I Learned - * " Inside look at modern web browser " by Googler & drawsplainer, Mariko Kosaka * curlconv…
This Week I Learned - * Sitecore supports on-premise, IaaS (VMs), and PaaS. Sitecore does not provide any out-of-the-box setup f…
This Week I Learned - * In addition to budget monitoring with AWS Budgets, you can add actions to your budgets to control IAM an…