This Week I Learned - Week #13 2022
This Week I Learned - * Progressive Web Apps can function offline with the help of service workers . * Anthos provides a consis…
This Week I Learned - * Progressive Web Apps can function offline with the help of service workers . * Anthos provides a consis…
This Week I Learned - * Microsoft, which sells the rival Azure, used open programming interfaces to hook into its competitors’ p…
This Week I Learned - * Google Cloud Functions Gen2 supports larger instances (16GB, 4CPU), longer processing times (60mins!) an…
This Week I Learned - * 17 Lessons Learned Migrating SAP to the Cloud [PDF], Published: July 2021 * A Local Zone is an extensio…
Multi‑cloud and hybrid‑cloud are often used synonymously, but there is in fact a difference. Various perspectives & explanati…
This Week I Learned - * Site Recovery does not move or store customer data out of the region in which it is deployed when the cu…
Key differentiators according to Oracle on how OCI is better than Amazon Web Services (AWS) , Microsoft Azure , and Google Cloud…
This Week I Learned - * ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform web platform from the .NET team. It has similar concepts as previous …
This Week I Learned - * With RBAC (Role Based Access Control) you control the so-called Management Plane and with the Access Po…
Google debunks myths about Multicloud in the white paper 5 ways Google can help you succeed in the multicloud world (PDF, May 20…
This Week I Learned - * The Azure Migrate App Containerization tool offers a point-and-containerize approach to repackage appl…