This Week I Learned - Week #16 2022
This Week I Learned - * Amazon Aurora is a MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud, that combine…
This Week I Learned - * Amazon Aurora is a MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud, that combine…
This Week I Learned - * Trusted Research Environments (TRE) enforce a secure boundary around distinct workspaces to enable info…
This Week I Learned - * Inspired by The History of the Web , the Google Chrome Developer Relations team has compiled 100 Cool W…
This Week I Learned - * Progressive Web Apps can function offline with the help of service workers . * Anthos provides a consis…
This Week I Learned - * Azure IoT Central is Microsoft's application platform as a service (aPaaS) offering designed to sim…
This Week I Learned - * If you don't deploy a gateway, clients must send requests directly to front-end services. There are…
George Westinghouse Jr. (1846 – 1914) was an American entrepreneur and engineer based in Pennsylvania who created the railway ai…
This Week I Learned - * " Inside look at modern web browser " by Googler & drawsplainer, Mariko Kosaka * curlconv…
This Week I Learned - * Azure IoT Central is Microsoft's application platform as a service (aPaaS) offering designed to sim…
This Week I Learned - * Sitecore supports on-premise, IaaS (VMs), and PaaS. Sitecore does not provide any out-of-the-box setup f…